Saddling Up

 Once the horse is brushed and hooves are clean, you are ready to put the saddle pad on the horse.  This is to protect the horse from the saddle.  It offers additional padding so that the horse is comfortable when the rider mounts.  There are different types of saddle pads that en be purchased depending on what you plan to do with the horse.  Some saddle pads offer shoulder support to keep the saddle from causing too much pressure on the shoulder.  There are shock absorbing saddle pads that absorb some of the shock from the rider so that it is all not on the horses back.  There are fancy pads for showing and there are plain pads for trail rides.  Finding the right pad is important to the horse.  Style can be purchased in every type of pad.  Saddle pads need to fit the horse and the saddle.  The pad should cover the horse’s back and should hang out below, in front, and in back of the saddle.  This keeps the leather of the saddle from rubbing on the horse and causing sores.  In some cases, you may need two saddle pads to provide the best protection for your horse.  Saddles should be purchased with the size of the horse and rider.  A saddle that doesn’t fit either the horse or rider could cause serious injury to the rider, the horse, or both.  Once the saddle pad is in place, in line with the horse’s shoulders and over his withers, the saddle can be added.  The girth is tightened so that the saddle doesn't slip because either the horse, rider, or both could be injured by a saddle that is not tightened properly. It is important that there is nothing under the saddle and girth that could cause the horse pain.  Their first instinct is to buck you off if the saddle is causing him pain.  Then you buckle the breast collar along the front of the horse.  It is important to saddle your horse several times before you actually ride it, so that the horse can get used to the saddle being on his back.  This will allow you to correct any problems with the saddle and saddle pad before you cause unnecessary pain to the horse.  This process helps develop trust between the horse and the rider.  It is important to be patient with this process as it does not happen overnight. 


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